Long Covid Success Stories in Dallas, TX

N.D. 03/6/2025

C.F. 2/19/2025

S.M. 3/2025


H.N 1/26/2025

R.V. 02/6/2025

C.B.F 02/06/2025

A.J. 10/2024

M.S. 11/2024

AEB 12/2024

I.T. 2/15/2025

S.S. 02/2025

L.N. 2/17/2025

J.L. 8/2024

My husband had the stellate ganglion block done by Dr Groysman on September 3rd and he immediately had his energy back, could sleep even better then before he got long covid, no more horse voice after talking in meetings and he can finally work and travel again like before LC. It’s such a relief for us. Before he could barely get through his work day and would just crash on the couch all evening. But now he can do chores and socialize with ease in the evenings. I can’t thank Dr Groysman enough for giving him his life back.
Jms 9/19/2024

For those considering an SGB, I wanted to give you an update of the one I had with
Dr. Groysman this past Thursday. First, off Dr. Groysman, Hailey, Chris and
Dawn are top-notch.
Now for the outcome. The first day I actually didn’t sleep at all like I expected to. I spent a lot of time relaxing in an almost meditative state. After the procedure I could feel my brain – like it was getting more oxygen or just opening up. It’s definitely a weird sensation. I got the lump in my throat and on the second SGB, my voice was barely a rasp but came back within an hour.
I went for fatigue and brain fog. Initially, I couldn’t tell a difference because I felt so chill that first day (Dr. Grosyman and Hailey if you want me to redo my after ratings, I’m happy to). The next day, we had a whole day of walking around (our plane was delayed four hours so we visited a mall and spent hours at the airport). I told my husband that I felt like my capacity for everything had expanded. It’s hard to explain but I felt like I could take in more information and visual input and not get so overwhelmed. I was able to process and I felt easier with my words and conversation. I had more than enough energy traveling that day especially after the long days prior.
The other thing I noticed is that I’m not fixating as much on what is wrong but feeling more calm and at peace. I’ve laughed more and had conversations with my husband that I’ve found fun and engaging. I’ve just felt happier and more content so far. I’ve spent a lot of time in my head and with everything I’ve been through it was hard to get out. I definitely feel more even and steady in the way my body is functioning if that makes sense
As far as brain fog, I still do have a bit of a swimmy head feeling but I feel quicker with my words – just more quick-witted and with it.
I want to see how this settles. It was a whirlwind these last few days so I can imagine things will continue to evolve.
P.C. 8/2024

D.H. 9/2024

There is a lot of feedback in this group, including myself on their experience going to see Dr Robert Groysman, MD for EAT. I went
A.M.H. 9/2024

Thank you Dr. Robert for being one big step on my son’s recovery. Today he finally back to his normal happy and energetic, can get up at 7 and go to his hobby Robotics club. It was 39 months journey with more than 50 doctors/therapists. The EAT procedures were able to rid of all the focal inflammation , so he was able to further progress to get rid of the POTS PEM and chronic fatigue. Merry Christmas to you and your team , and all people here ! Do not give up , human body are so magic , we should all be able to heal !
SS 12/2024

SUCCESS STORY! Hi everyone, I’ve been following this page for over a year, and am pretty sure this is my first post. Three years ago, at the beginning
B.P 7/2024

I’ve had 4 EAT sessions and had great improvement in my level of fatigue. I have dysautonomia and mitochondrial dysfunction causing rapid heart rate with position changes and activity, hyperadrenergic POTS
A.R. 7/1/2024

I saw Dr Groysman on April 10 for an SGB. I was extremely nervous and my usual symptoms were flaring up ie stuttering speech, gait/ walking problems, anxiety. The whole office was very understanding and everything
B.P. 4/2024

Update for you guys. Currently in Texas, flew out here to see Dr. Robert Groysman, MD on Wednesday and Thursday. First want to thank him for what’s he’s doing and all the time and effort
B.P 7/2024

I had my SGB with Dr. Groysman on Wednesday, April 10th. I have long-C related hyperadrenergic POTS & MCAS. While I was hopeful I would have instant relief from the SGB, that was not my experience.

“I’ve been a member if this group for approximately 6 months. Since starting Dr Robert MD Groysman protocol, I have seen improvements across the board. My symptoms were
T.R 01/06/2024

“CURED AND HEALED! I officially feel better. I never thought the day would come. I was extremely sick for over 2 years
L.C. 7/2023

“I personally wanted to thank Dr Groysman MD Robert for already changing the life of a friend of a friend of mine. In short, I was at a small friend gathering when my friend told me about his good friend Angela
L.G. 1/17/2024

We were nervous of our teen’s debilitating POTS getting worse from an SGB & finally decided with her, that the risk was worth it because it was no way to live life for a teen,
L.W. 01/06/2024

” For nearly two years our 11 year old has battled long Covid mainly fatigue and leg pain. We’ve tried lots of things during that time. He’s gotten a bit better over time
A.H. 1/2024

” Groysman, Robert performed my first SGB yesterday on my right side and I am feeling so much better! My worst symptoms are brain fog and fatigue and I’ve been off work since
J.T. 12/2023

” I absolutely recommend (and have recommended to many people) Dr. Groysman and Southwest Pain Management! My 11-year old son had an appointment to see
HH 12/2023

“Hallelujah for sure!! I thank God for giving you the wisdom, the passion, and the drive to help people like us, Dr. Groysman!!! My son has had long Covid since 2020. He was 8
H.J.H 11/2023.

If you can find a naturopath, DC, functional medicine, or other alternative type provider you might be treated better. Dr Groysman & any MDs
B.M. 10/2023

B.M. 10/2023

G.T. 10/2023

S.M. 7/2023

L.C. 7/2023

K.T. 5/2023

B.P. 6/2023

Guys, this is nothing short of miracle. Day 4 of nicotine patches and this is an update ( photo of what I looked like on Tuesday is in comment).
T.S. 7/2023

T.S. 5/2023

H.S. 5/2023

K.C. 9/2022

L.W. 3/2023

“Hi Everyone – I wanted to share with all of you that I just finished my first SGB treatments at Dr Groysman’s. I went from not being able to taste or smell anything for the past year to now, being able to identify some smells and I can taste some foods.
R.M. 5/23

J.I. 5/2023

J.G. 2/2023

“To anyone questioning whether to get the tens unit, I recommend just doing it. I have been using it for 3 days now and have already had improvement
C.A. 1/2023

“Some have asked why I suggest Dr Groysman. First know I have zero financial or other interest in his practice, or any others. I highly recommend him because he is truly one of a handful
D.P. 2/2023

M.D.S. 1/2022

“UPDATES ARE BELOW: Photo to show proper placement of leads. Single cord plugged into one side of machine. Red lead on Tragus, black lead on a different part of ear.
M.S. 12/2022

“I’m on to week 4 of tVNS therapy. I switched to my right ear after not noticing a difference after week 1 with the left ear. I use two ear clips, one on the tragus and the other on the conch
B.C. 11/2022

S.S.H. 10/2022

L.S. 9/2022

“I have now used the TENS unit 3 days in a row, and I would say at this point I am about 90% better. After using it on Friday I noticed that I could smell my husbands fresh pot of coffee
S.W. 9/2022

J.M. 9/2022

“After 29 months time was doing nothing to heal me and I lost 80 lbs, and suffered constantly. I had 3 SGBs by some random pain guy and nothing. So I traveled to the Dallas area to see Dr Groysman and had 1 this morning.
A.P. 12/2022

“I wanted to make this post to help anyone who may need it, I had covid twice, lost my taste and smell both times, when i lost my taste and smell the second time I decided to put on my tens unit to stimulate my vagus
S.O.L. 8/2022

“I wanted to make this post to help anyone who may need it, I had covid twice, lost my taste and smell both times, when i lost my taste and smell the second time I decided to put on my tens unit to stimulate my vagus
S.O.L. 8/2022

“This was Tuesday, the same day my daughter had her first SGB (on the right) with Dr. Groysman MD Robert. She has been able to eat meat—a true miracle!!
L.R. 11/2022

“I’ve had parosmia since Feb, 2022. Nothing has tasted/smelled good or correct. I’ve had 4 SGB nerve blocks
J.P. 10/2022

L.R. 11/2022

“Besides my family, friends, and these 4 cuties, this year I am thankful for Dr Groysman for giving me my life back!! My 9 months of suffering
J.M. 11/2022

“UPDATE: My daughter has had Parosmia/Dysguesia for about a year and a half. Very few safe foods but she could eat others with nose plugs. She suffered a lot. SOO much.